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Improving Crisis Response

Chronosoft build event and incident management software that enhances how crowded spaces respond to crisis as well as daily tasks

Behind the scenes at all crowded events are teams of people working hard to ensure things run smoothly, patrons receive an enjoyable event experience, and most important of all – that everyone is safe.

In the past, isolated contractors and agencies such as security, medical, cleaning and Health & Safety would all work independently to one another, using their own systems of logging, responding to and reporting incidents which would often lead to inaccuracies, human error, costly delays and even litigation against event organisers.

Chronosoft builds market leading event and incident management software that ensures issues like these are a thing of the past. It facilitates clear communication between event teams, coordinates the actions they take, and ensures all incidents are managed in an effective, efficient and timely fashion, by the best placed and best equipped resources.

How does it work?

Chronosoft’s flagship product Chronicler, streamlines event management procedures, opens up communication between support staff and accurately logs and timestamps all incidents. Incidents can be reported and logged directly to the system by crews in the field, and the control room is able to see and manage incident management flow and data analysis in real time. Jobs are prioritised to make sure critical incidents are attended to first, and GPS mapping means the closest, most appropriately resourced crews can be dispatched to the exact incident location instead of spending valuable minutes searching. Common jobs are pre-loaded into the system so they are actioned without having to tie up other communication channels – leaving event radio networks open for communicating serious incidents.

When someone is in a life-threatening situation, Chronosoft GPS locating and streamlined communications systems help response teams locate incidents more efficiently and ensures crew safety on site. Accurate logging and time-stamping of all actions taken means that should any incident come under legal scrutiny, event organisers can prove they actively mitigated risk and continued to ensure an appropriate duty of care to those in attendance.

Who can use it?

Chronosoft’s revolutionary software is flexible enough to meet the challenges of a myriad of events and dynamic environments. Think of any crowded place or occasion and Chronosoft can help. Some examples include:

  • Music festivals

  • Cultural events

  • Sporting stadiums

  • Entertainment arenas

  • Marathons and endurance events

  • Convention centres

  • Shopping complexes

  • Hospital and healthcare

  • Large office buildings

  • Transport and tunnel networks

In fact, just about any control room you can think of can benefit from the streamlined communication, management and reporting software that Chronosoft offers.

Live statistics allows key staff to be able to understand the current dynamic of their event and make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

However it doesn’t just help during events, but also in the planning of the next event too. Being able to analyse data and trends from the event allows managers to improve future planning and avoid crowding, identify issues before they become problems and strategically manage staffing by identifying quiet and busy times.

Every deployment of Chronosoft, Chronicler is customised to meet the specific needs of the event or location in question and new features are always being added. Get in touch with the Chronosoft team if you’d like to know more about the features that can be incorporated into a solution tailored specifically for your needs.


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